Editorial Team

Editor In Chief

  1. Antonius Bastian Limahekin, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia

Section Editor

  1. Stephan van Erp, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies KU Leuven, Belgium
  2. Henning Tegtmeyer, Institute of Philosophy (HIW) KU Leuven, Belgium
  3. Georg Sans, Hochschule für Philosophie München, Germany
  4. Jonathan Floyd, University of Bristol, UK, United Kingdom
  5. Winibaldus Stefanus Mere, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan
  6. Justin L. Wejak, University of Melbourne, Australia
  7. Wilibaldus Gaut, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia


  1. Fidelis Regi Waton, Koelner Hochschule fuer Katholische Theologie, Germany
  2. Jude Raymund Festin, Christ the King Mission Seminary, Manila, Philippines
  3. FX. Eko Armada Riyanto, Widya Sasana School of Philosophy and Theology, Malang, Indonesia
  4. Johanis Ohoitimur, STF Seminari Pineleng, Manado, Indonesia
  5. Agustinus Setyo Wibowo, Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia
  6. Mikhael Dua, Atmajaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  7. Fitzerald Kennedy Sitorus, Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia
  8. Norbert Jegalus, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, NTT, Indonesia
  9. Joel Hodge, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia
  10. Aleksander Dancar, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan
  11. Hadrianus Tedjoworo, Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia
  12. Raymundus I Made Sudhiarsa, Widya Sasana School of Philosophy and Theology, Malang, Indonesia
  13. Fransiska Widyawati, Catholic University of St. Paul Ruteng, Flores, NTT, Indonesia
  14. Anselmus Dorewoho Atasoge, Atma Reksa College of Pastoral Studies (STIPAR) Ende, Flores, NTT, Indonesia
  15. Mery Kolimon, Artha Wacana Christian University (UKAW), Kupang, NTT, Indonesia
  16. Paulus Budi Kleden, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  17. Mariska Lauterboom, Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW), Salatiga, Indonesia
  18. Yonky Karman, Jakarta Theological Seminary (STFT Jakarta), Jakarta, Indonesia
  19. Van Thanh Nguyen, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, United States
  20. Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel, Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate, Bhopal, India
  21. Budhy Munawar Rachman, Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia
  22. Dominggus Elcid Li, Institute of Resource Governance and Social Change (IRGSC), Kupang, Indonesia
  23. Maksimus Regus, Catholic University of St. Paul Ruteng, Flores, NTT, Indonesia
  24. Cynthia Ratih Susilo, Resilience Development Initiative, Indonesia
  25. Gabriel Faimau, University of Botswana, Botswana
  26. Damianus Abun, Divine Word College of Laoag, Philippines
  27. Anthony Le Duc, Saengtham College, Thailand
  28. Gabriel Lele, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  29. Grace Leksana, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
  30. Stefani Swarati Haning Nugroho, Atmajaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  31. Djoko Saryono, State University of Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  32. Hanna Fricke, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  33. Richard Garrett, Divine Word College, Epworth, Iowa, United States
  34. E. Douglas Lewis, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
  35. Semiarto Aji Purwanto, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
  36. Gregor Neonbasu, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, NTT, Indonesia
  37. Philipus Tule, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, NTT, Indonesia
  38. Martin Suryajaya, Jakarta Institute of Art, Jakarta, Indonesia
  39. Andi Setiawan, Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Solo, Indonesia
  40. Mathias Daven, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  41. Felix Baghi, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  42. Otto Gusti Madung, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  43. Yosef Keladu Koten, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  44. Bernard Subang Hayong, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  45. Sefrianus Juhani, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  46. Paskalis Lina, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  47. Hendrikus Maku, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  48. Khanis Suvianita, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  49. Yohanes Orong, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero


  1. Antonius Mbukut, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  2. Kristianto Ratu Marius Naben, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia

Layout Editor

  1. Antonius Mbukut, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
  2. Kristianto Ratu Marius Naben, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia


  1. Hermina Welin Wulohering, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia

Administrative Staff

  1. Floribertus Herichis Wanto Tapo, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia