Editor In Chief
- Antonius Bastian Limahekin, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
Section Editor
- Stephan van Erp, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies KU Leuven, Belgium
- Henning Tegtmeyer, Institute of Philosophy (HIW) KU Leuven, Belgium
- Georg Sans, Hochschule für Philosophie München, Germany
- Jonathan Floyd, University of Bristol, UK, United Kingdom
- Winibaldus Stefanus Mere, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan
- Justin L. Wejak, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Wilibaldus Gaut, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Fidelis Regi Waton, Koelner Hochschule fuer Katholische Theologie, Germany
- Jude Raymund Festin, Christ the King Mission Seminary, Manila, Philippines
- FX. Eko Armada Riyanto, Widya Sasana School of Philosophy and Theology, Malang, Indonesia
- Johanis Ohoitimur, STF Seminari Pineleng, Manado, Indonesia
- Agustinus Setyo Wibowo, Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Mikhael Dua, Atmajaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Fitzerald Kennedy Sitorus, Pelita Harapan University, Indonesia
- Norbert Jegalus, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, NTT, Indonesia
- Joel Hodge, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia
- Aleksander Dancar, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan
- Hadrianus Tedjoworo, Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia
- Raymundus I Made Sudhiarsa, Widya Sasana School of Philosophy and Theology, Malang, Indonesia
- Fransiska Widyawati, Catholic University of St. Paul Ruteng, Flores, NTT, Indonesia
- Anselmus Dorewoho Atasoge, Atma Reksa College of Pastoral Studies (STIPAR) Ende, Flores, NTT, Indonesia
- Mery Kolimon, Artha Wacana Christian University (UKAW), Kupang, NTT, Indonesia
- Paulus Budi Kleden, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Mariska Lauterboom, Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW), Salatiga, Indonesia
- Yonky Karman, Jakarta Theological Seminary (STFT Jakarta), Jakarta, Indonesia
- Van Thanh Nguyen, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, United States
- Jose Joseph Kollemkunnel, Khrist Premalaya Regional Theologate, Bhopal, India
- Budhy Munawar Rachman, Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Dominggus Elcid Li, Institute of Resource Governance and Social Change (IRGSC), Kupang, Indonesia
- Maksimus Regus, Catholic University of St. Paul Ruteng, Flores, NTT, Indonesia
- Cynthia Ratih Susilo, Resilience Development Initiative, Indonesia
- Gabriel Faimau, University of Botswana, Botswana
- Damianus Abun, Divine Word College of Laoag, Philippines
- Anthony Le Duc, Saengtham College, Thailand
- Gabriel Lele, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Grace Leksana, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
- Stefani Swarati Haning Nugroho, Atmajaya Catholic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Djoko Saryono, State University of Malang, Malang, Indonesia
- Hanna Fricke, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Richard Garrett, Divine Word College, Epworth, Iowa, United States
- E. Douglas Lewis, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
- Semiarto Aji Purwanto, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Gregor Neonbasu, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, NTT, Indonesia
- Philipus Tule, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, NTT, Indonesia
- Martin Suryajaya, Jakarta Institute of Art, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Andi Setiawan, Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Solo, Indonesia
- Mathias Daven, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Felix Baghi, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Otto Gusti Madung, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Yosef Keladu Koten, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Bernard Subang Hayong, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Sefrianus Juhani, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Paskalis Lina, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Hendrikus Maku, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Khanis Suvianita, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Yohanes Orong, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero
- Antonius Mbukut, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Kristianto Ratu Marius Naben, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
Layout Editor
- Antonius Mbukut, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Kristianto Ratu Marius Naben, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
- Hermina Welin Wulohering, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia
Administrative Staff
- Floribertus Herichis Wanto Tapo, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK) Ledalero, Indonesia