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A script  published in JURNAL LEDALERO: A Discourse on Faith and Culture, is an article  based on research or critical analysis of a subject in the fields of philosophy, theology, or social sciences such as sociology, politics, language, anthropology, art & culture, which has never been previously published in another form of media.

2.      THE SCRIPT:

  1. A script is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English, using a form of language that is good and correct. Expressions are written well, truthfully and clearly in Bahasa Indonesia or in another language officially recognized by the UN. language.
  2. A script expresses original ideas. It does not contain plagiarisms. As far as possible a script contributes to scientific advancement, and is itself scientific. At least 80% of its contents are based on the results of analysis and synthesis. These are expressed exactly, with a clearly-formulated conclusion.   
  3. A script has: 1) A title that is effective, to the point, and informative. 2) The name of the author written fully, as well as the address of the institute where he/she works, studies, and did his/her research. 3) An abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English, with a maximum of 200 words in each language. 4) Key words are written consistently, mirroring the concept and substance of the article. Key words are written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English, 3-5 words or phrases.
  4. A script may be no longer than 6,000 words, typed using Microsoft Word for Windows, on A4 paper with right, left, top & bottom margins, 30-20-30 & 25 mm, with 12 Font, Time New Roman Type, one space between lines, in a single column. A script should be sent to The Editor, JURNAL LEDALERO: A Discourse on Faith and Culture, STFK Ledalero, Maumere 86152, Flores, NTT, or by email to:  


  1. Quotations more than four lines are typed single space and given a new line. Quotations four lines or less are wriiten as a continuation of the sentence and are included in the actual text of the article.
  2. In the list of references, only those sources which have been referred to are listed. All sources referred to must be listed. 80% of references must be from sources no more than 10 years old. Articles published in JURNAL LEDALERO may be used as references.
  3. Reference notes must be written correctly as footnotes, following the guidelines of the Modern Language Association (MLA), for example:
  • 1Ibarruri, Kisah Pengembaraan Ibarruri Putri Alam Anak Sulung D. N. Aidit (Maumere: Penerbit Ledalero, 2015), hlm. 5.
  • 2Harold Bierman, Jr., Thomas R. Dyckman, dan Ronald W. Hilton, Cost  Accounting (Boston: PWS-Kent Publishing Company, 1990), hlm. 4.
  • 4Canfield et al., Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul, terj. Anton MGS (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2000), 100.
  • 5F.X Siswaya Sumantoro (ed.), Dokumen Sidang-sidang Federasi Konferensi Para Uskup Asia 1970-1991 (Jakarta: Dokpen KWI, 1995), hlm. 45.
  • 6Pusat Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia, Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia yang Disempurnakan (Jakarta: Gramedia, 2008), hlm. 12-13.
  • 7John Mansford Prior, “Narasi Diri”, Jurnal Ledalero, 11:1 (Ledalero, Juni 2012), hlm. 1-4.
  1. 4. A bibliography is written as a List of Resources in alphabetical order, and it contains only literature which is referred to in the article. The format follows that outlined by the Modern Language Association (MLA). For example
  • Book by a Single Author:

Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957.

  • Book by 2 or 3 Authors:

                Echols, John M dan Hassan Shadily. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Edisi yang Diperbarui. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2015.

  • More than 3 Authors:

Baghi, Feliks dkk. Melakukan Evangelisasi. Maumere: Penerbit Ledalero, 2012.


Edens, Walter et al. Teaching Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1977. 

  • Editor as an Author:

Kleden, Paul Budi, ed. Yosef Ratzinger, Yesus dari Nazaret. Maumere: Penerbit Ledalero, 2009.

  • Team/Institute Authors:

National Institute for Dispute Resolution. Dispute Resolution Resource Directory.Washington, D.C.: Natl. Inst. for Dispute Res., 1984.

Pusat Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Edisi III. Jakarta: Gramedia, 2008.

  • Article of Chapter of a Book:

Ebner, Martin. “Tiap Penafsir Buta Terhadap Aspek Tertentu”, dalam Paul Budi Kleden,ed. Yosef Ratzinger, Yesus dari Nazaret. Maumere: Penerbit Ledalero, 2009.

            Magny, Claude-Edmonde. "Faulkner or Theological Inversion." in Robert Penn Warren. Faulkner: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice- Hall,1966.

  • Article/Expression from an Encyclopedia or Reference Book:

Wright, J. T. “Language Varieties: Language and Dialect”, Encyclopedia of Linguistics,Information and Control, hlm. 243-251.

Wright, J. T. “Language Varieties: Language and Dialect”, Encyclopedia of Linguistics,Information and Control (Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd., 1969), hlm. 243-251.

  • Seminar Paper, Conference Paper, or Similar:

Magnis-Suseno, Franz. “Sesudah 50 Tahun Kita Harus Berani Menghadap Apa yang Terjadi”. Paper dibawakan dalam seminar bertema "Tinjauan Etis Tentang Penyelesaian Kasus Tahun 1965" di STFK Ledalero pada 19 September 2015.

  • Journal Article:

            Gusti, Otto. “Konsep Religio Civilis. Telaah Pemikiran J. J. Rousseau tentang Hubungan antara Agama dan Politik”. Jurnal Ledalero, Vol. 7, No. 2, Desember 2008.

  • Unpublished Work (Thesis or dissertation):

Orong, Yohanes. “Masyarakat Satu Dimensi, Telaah Pemikiran Herbert Marcuse tentang Masyarakat Modern”. Skripsi, Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Katolik Ledalero,2004.

  • Interview:

            Suseno, Franz-Magnis. Wawancara per telepon seluler, 20 September 2015.

  • Magazine Article:

Alpern, David M. “Has Moscow Violated SALT?.” Newsweek 22 Oct. 1984: 32.

Ajidarma, Seno Gumira. “Percaya Tidak Percaya”. Tempo, 4416/15-21 Juni 2015. 

  • Newspaper Article:

Crossette, Barbara. “India Lodges First Charges in Arms Scandal.” New York Time 23 Jan. 1990, natl. ed.: A4.

Gaut, Willy. “Mempertimbangkan Nilai Kepahlawan Zaman Ini.” Pos Kupang, 10 November 2015.

  • Online E-Book:

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. Ed. Henry Churchyard. 1996.

<>, diakses pada 10   1998.

  • Online E-Journal Article:

Calabrese, Michael. “Between Despair and Ecstacy: Marco Polo’s Life of the

Buddha.” Exemplaria 9.1 (1997). 22 June 1998 <>

  1. All scripts are considered anonymously by the reviewers, according to their area of expertise. The author is given an opportunity to revise his/her writing, on the advice of the reviewers or editor. The authors will receive notice of acceptance or rejection online.
  2. The Editorial Board has the right to reject a script considered not to fulfill the conditions of acceptance, after hearing the opinions of several experts. The Editorial Board may make linguistic changes, without changing the content of the script, without giving prior notice to the author. If it is deemed appropriate to change content, the Editorial Board will consult with the author. Articles published in  Jurnal LEDALERO become the property of Jurnal Ledalero, and they may be republished with the permission of the Editorial Board.
  3. A published author will receive 3 copies of the journal as a token of appreciation. An article is not returned to the author, except when requested.





Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines

    The manuscript has never been sent and published to other publishers in the any form (print/electronic). If publishing duplication occurs, the author is willing to remove the article from the journal archives. The author must fill in the Manuscript Authenticity Statement and/or the Transfer Copyright Statement, as proof of authenticity and honesty in the process of publishing the manuscript / article.

  2. The title of the manuscript should be within journal subjects (focus and scope).
  3. The manuscript is written and arranged based on script template, with the number of 8 - 25 pages. Special for English manuscript and abstracts, please check the grammar with Grammarly application
  4. Citation and bibliography of a script are written using Mendeley application. The number of references used as bibliography is at least 10 titles (80% primary reference and 20% secondary reference). The primary reference consists of journals, proceedings/papers, research reports, thesis, dissertation, patents, standard, and history document; while the secondary reference covers general books and online information sources on internet.
  5. The author upholds copyrightprivacy, and scientific publication ethics of JURNAL LEDALERO.

Copyright Notice

  • This statement is the author's commitment to respect copyright, both in terms of citing other people's work and the utilization of journal content. Where necessary, the author may send the Manuscript AuthenticityStatement and/or the Transfer Copyright Statement that "the work is the original idea of author and has never been sent to another publisher and published in other publication".
  • The publication right of journal are journal manager property within author's knowledge, and the moral right of publication are the author property.
  • The formal legal aspect of utilizing a journal publication refers to a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative (CC BY-NC-SA) license, which means that journal contents can be exploited freely in their original form and for non-commercial purposes.


Privacy Statement

Each party involved in the process of this journal publication must appreciate and respect each other's privacy, upholds copyright and scientific of publication ethics [see Privacy Policy Elsevier].