Studi Kritis atas Kepercayaan Orang Manggarai – Flores tentang Komunikasi antara Arwah dengan Orang-orang Hidup
This article aims to investigate the communication between the ghosts of the dead and the living. It is quite common
that the living talk to the ghosts of the dead through different rituals in the tradional religions. On the contrary, the study
about communication between the ghost of the dead with the living is not very common. Therefore, a question in this
research is: “Is there any experience that the ghost of the dead talks to the living?” The assumption is that: there is
communication between the ghost of the dead and the living. Using descriptive-qualitative method of research, the result of
this study shows that there is communication between the ghosts of the dead and the living. The communication takes place
through the medium of the paranormal in which the paranormal man or woman invites the ghost of the dead to talk to his or
her family through paranormal man or woman or simply to get the message from the ghost. The communication also takes
place through dreams, and later on the message or messages that iare delivered in the dream become real or really
happened. Then, the communication of the ghost of the dead and the living is analyzed using postmodernism, fenomenology,
and ethnometodology perspectives. Each perspective argues that the communication between the dead and the living is
understandable and academically acceptable.
Keywords: communication, dead, living, dream, paranormal, post modernism, fenomenolgy, and ethnomethodology.
Full Text:
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Gabriel Jadu (54 tahun ), warga Kampung Nggolo, Desa Dunta, Kecamatan Welak.
Kletus Hekong (59 tahun), dosen IFTK Ledalero
Dominika Gentok (60 tahun), dosen berdomisili di Denpasar.
Yuliana Lebor (63 tahun), dosen, berdomisili di Surabaya.
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