however, saw past the brutality of the fighting, the squalid conditions of
the trenches, and the excessive casualties on both sides, and instead saw
God. World War I led to questions about humanity and its meaning.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was one of thousands of clergy, religious, and
seminarians who experienced World War I as a conscript in Northern
Keywords: priest, élan vital, war
Perang Dunia I adalah salah satu periode yang paling mengerikan
dalam sejarah manusia. Kendatipun demikian, di tengah kondisi nan
brutal seperti itu sesungguhnya orang masih sanggup menemukan Allah.
Perang Dunia I, bagaimanapun, menimbulkan pertanyaan mendasar
tentang kemanusiaan dan maknanya. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin adalah
salah satu dari ribuan klerus, religius, dan seminaris yang mengalami
Perang Dunia I sebagai prajurit di Perancis Utara.
Kata-kata kunci: imam, elan vital, perang
Full Text:
De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard. Gènese d’une Pensée (Réne Hague, The Making of a Mind: Letters from a Soldier Priest, 1914-1919). New York: Harper & Row, 1965.
De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard. Écrits du temps de la Guerre (Réne Hague, Writings in the Time of War). New York: Harper & Row, Tanpa Tahun.
Brennan, Maggie. "A Light in the Darkness: The Interaction between Catholicism and World War I," The Purdue Historian, vol. 6, 2 (2013), 1-20.
V. Kopp, Joseph. Teilhard De Chardin Sintese Baru Tentang Evolusi. Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1971.
Guasco, Maurilio. Seminari e clero nel ‘900. Milano: Edizione Paoline, 1990.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31385/jl.v16i1.55.26-33
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