Markus Solo Kewuta


Shortly after he was chosen as Bishop of Rome in April 2005, Benedict XVI
took a number of steps towards a new dynamics in inter-faith dialogue. He began
by setting down fundamental principles, namely knowing and appreciating one’s
own faith as the essential condition for sincere cross-religious encounters. That
is why, as a prominent dogmatic theologian, in his theological approach he not
infrequently laid down clear boundaries, even in grey areas which sometimes
drew strong rejection, for a real theological dialogue is not easy. But, according
to Benedict XVI, this is the road we have to travel to arrive at a true dialogue,
rather than simply politeness or “lip service”.
During his period of service, Catholic-Muslim Forum I and II were created with
their final declarations; if followed through globally, there would be no need for
any more disputes or enmity between Catholics and Muslims. Unfortunately,
reality is different. Today Bishop of Rome Francis wishes to follow-up this mission
with a different language and emphasis. The core is the same, that through
friendship and the principle of reciprocity, Catholic and Muslim peoples respect
and understand each other without fear, for we are all brothers and sisters.

Full Text:



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31385/jl.v12i2.92.271-288


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