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Jurnal Akademika merupakan jurnal yang diselenggarakan dan diterbitkan oleh Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero, Maumere dan diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun. Jurnal ini memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah para mahasiswa dengan berfokus pada tema-tema bahasan tertentu. Tema-tema yang diangkat sedianya memantik mahasiswa untuk mengemukakan pemikiran-pemikiran menarik dan kritis dengan menggunakan pisau analisis ekonomi-politik, filosofis, teologi, sains, dst.
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| Jurnal Ledalero: Wacana Iman dan Kebudayaan (Discourse on Faith and Culture) was first published in hard copy in June 2002 with ISSN 1412-5420. It began its electronic publication in June 2015 with ISSN 2503-4316. The journal is issued biannually, in June and December, and is published by the Ledalero Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IFTK Ledalero), Maumere, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The journal provides critical analysis and research in philosophy, theology, and social sciences, including sociology, politics, psychology, language, anthropology, art, and cultural studies. In alignment with the motto of IFTK Ledalero, “Diligite Lumen Sapientiae” (“Love the Light of Wisdom”), Jurnal Ledalero is dedicated to publishing high-quality articles that help readers appreciate light and truth. The journal aims to enlighten, sharpen minds, and broaden perspectives through its articles. We invite researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and students to submit articles based on their research and critical analysis in philosophy, theology, and social sciences, including cultural studies, sociology, politics, psychology, language, anthropology, and art. Jurnal Ledalero is published online twice a year, with issues released in June and December. Each issue features at least five articles. |
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