Membedah Diskursus Sinodalitas Paus Fransiskus dan Relevansinya terhadap Kehidupan Menggereja di Indonesia
concept of synodality briefly and then elaborate on the various aspects of synodality. By using the method of content analysis and literature study, the author - in the light of Pope Francis’ discourse - seeks to provide some
critical notes on what the spirit and practice of synodality does means and does not mean. The novelty of this article lies in its attempt to see the relevance of the discourse for the Indonesian context. The author argues that the themes of clericalism, democratization in the Church, the development of civil society based on justice and brotherhood, dialogue between religions are relevant for our context. The author concludes that a correct understanding of synodality as a constitutive dimension of the Church must be possessed by all the faithful because it greatly determines the existence and the life of the Church as well as Her mission in the world.
Key words: Diskursus, sinodalitas, Paus Fransiskus, Gereja, Konteks Indonesia
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